viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Classical Conditioning Research

Ivan Pavlov:

1. He was studying the role of salive in a dog's digestion.

2. He had a dog in an chamber and led him to starvation. He attached a tube into the salivary glands of the dog to measure how many saliva the dog used to digest. Later on the process, he discovered that the dog started salivating even when the meat was not presented.

3. The bell is the conditioned stimulus, the meat is the unconditioned stimulus, and the result was that both stimulus recieved the excat same response from the dog, when paired.

4.Extinction means that is conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus are stopped being paired, after a series of trials, the stimulus is forgotten by the animal or human.

5. It means that stiumuli that look alike often recieve the same respone.

6. It is when an animal or human learn to diferenciate between the alike stimulus, he learns to respond and not to respond to certain stimulus.

7. Two limitations are that it was done with dogs, not humans and that the tubes were surgically inserted and may affect the dog's salivation.

8. He Thought that when you pair an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus, both will produce the same response.

John B. Watson:

1. Watson showed "Little Albert" a white rat and at the same time he hit a metal behind the babies head. The metal made an annoying noise so the baby cried. Watson hit the metal every time the rat was shown to the baby. "Little Albert" soon paired the rat with the noise so he cried every time he was shown the rat. Then, he generalized the fear to rats, to any similar objects.

2. Conditioned Stimulus: The rat.
    Unconditioned Stimulus: The noise.
    Conditioned response: Baby crying.

3. Two limitations where that the experiment is considered unethical so it can not be done again. and another one is that the hypothesis was only tested in one child.

4. The law of frequency said that "The more frequent a stimulus and response to occur in association with each other, the stronger that habit will become."

5. The law of recency said that "The response that has most recently occurred after a particular stimulus is the response most likely to be associated with that stimulus."

6. The basic assumptions of behaviorism are that our behaviors depend on our environment, all behavior can be reduced to their basic components, and that may species learn in similar ways.


jueves, 4 de noviembre de 2010

ARTICLE 1: Why Does Lack of Sleep Affect Us Differently? Study Hints It May Be in Our Genes

The American Academy of Neurology was the institution incharge of performing this research. The eseriment was about finding out what causes everyone of us to have a diferent lack of sleep effect. They found out that some of us have a sleep variant called  DQB1*0602. They got participants with the variant and participants without it. The diference they showed in the process was that the people with the variant sleep much more, but woke up a lot of times and was not rested. The ones without the variant were totally opposite. People without the variant, they sleep less or at least they do not suffer of excess of sleep hours. They feel rested and don`t wake up a lot. Also they have more sleep drive. This was a very interestin gresearch because I did not knew that this variant existed and that it could cause a lot of difference.

ARTICLE 2: Delayed School Start Time Associated With Improvements in Adolescent Behaviors

Judith A. Owens, M.D., M.P.H., of the Hasbro Children's Hospital was incharge of this investigation. She surveyed 201students at a private school on Rhode Island when they started at 8:00 am. The school, for research purposes delayed the start time 30 minutes, to 8:30 am. The same 201 students were also surveyed on the same things, but the difference was their sleep time. All the results were positive. Students showed more motivation in participation in class such as in school activities. Also, students complained less sbout fatigue. They stated to fell less sleepy in class and to feel less depressed about going to school. I think that experts should continue doing these expriments so that we understand the mportance in our lifes of sleeping the whole 8-9 hours that our body needs.

ARTICLE 3: Starting High School One Hour Later May Reduce Teen Traffic Accidents

This research is conduced by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. In the article they intend to explain that starting school just one hour later can reduce car traffic accidents, can improve grades in a significantly way, and can even improve attendence. In this research, researchers surveyed 9,966 students in a school on year one, which they started every day at 7:30 am high school and at 8:00 am middle school. The next year they were surveyed again, but this time they were starting school at 8:30 am high schol and at 9:00 am middle school. The results of both surveyes were observed and compared. What researchers found out was that students were geting better grades when they get full-time sleep than when they had to wake-up one hour earlier. Also, traffic accidents decreased. In my opinion, this research was very important because we can see how one hour sleep may change our academic excellence, even our life.